Phyla Training
Join MaST staff for Phyla Training! This 5-week series presents an overview of the biology of our local marine life, from microscopic algae to fish! Each week, Lead Aquarist Emily Bjornsgard and Community Education Coordinator Aeriel Wauhob discuss different phyla (groups of organisms), covering everything from intertidal plant life, micro- and macroscopic algae, to arthropods and vertebrates*! For this training, there are two options:
Virtual: This option allows you to join from the comfort of your own home! By offering a virtual option, we can include many more people than the capacity our small dock allows in person. The virtual option will include all 5 weeks of presentations and lectures and has the ability to interact and ask questions in real time. It also allows the inclusion of people out of driving distance from the MaST Center Aquarium.
In Person: For those who are looking for an in-person option, we have a limited capacity (based on classroom space and dock capacity limits). Those who sign up for this option will participate face-to-face from the MaST Center Aquarium classroom, and after each lecture have an opportunity to put those identification skills into practice in the aquarium!
This training series will focus on the marine life of the Pacific Northwest and will feature organisms found from British Columbia to Oregon.